This week on Ward and Utah Reviews, we are going to be looking at a new, forward thinkin film production by one Samuel Higginson
The film was shot over several weeks, using the greatest in film and media production technology using creative, forwrd thinking techniques and aesthetically intersting antipostmodern themes.
Director/production manager Samuel has spent several weeks in the lengthy post production process, to obtain the required results to acheive ultimate artisic expression, and here at blog hq(central magaluf/turkey) we have had the chance to witness this prouduction for review purposes, and have concluded that it is absolute fucking toss.
The film looks like it has been shot in the arse-end of fuck knows wer (possibly darnall-sheffield or sumwher in matlock) as it is absolute wank! ward stated that it is likely they used the location of sum1s nan's house or summat
And whos this cheeky fucker who keeps appearin?
wat a true tossend!
Wots this? old tossers only gone and got himslef all wet int river sort it out lad ull get ur premium apparel all soakin u twat wots rong wiv ya!
Beautiful scenery and photography
loljk wat a load ov wank
all in all we give the film a rating of no ward/utah stars due to piss poor overall quality of production, lacklustre plot and most of all the general fact that we both agree it would be more enjoyable to suffer from a dull ache in the testes for ages than endure the agonising banality of this production again, it was so wank that ward summed it up all in all as "shite" and "not worth half a wank reli"
stay tuned next week for our interview with director Sam Higginson, where me n ward ask him a few pisstake questions then fuck off for a few tinnys at turkey
sound! x
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